Recognized By  NCTE  | Established : 1976

financial status

Endowment Fund maintained by the TEI

  1. Amount = Rs. 5,00,000.00
  2. Bank = State Bank of India, North Lakhimpur Branch
  3. FDR Number: 33286989626
  4. Click here for endowment fund
  6. Reserve Fund maintained by the TEL
  1. Amount = Rs. 7,00,000.00
  2. Bank = State Bank of India, North Lakhimpur Branch
  3. FDR Number: 37091566157
  4. Click here for reserve fund











    d.  Income during the previous academic session











      e.  Expenditure during the Previous Academic Session






















      f.  Statement of Account and Audit Report 2018-19

  1. Click here to download the complete report
Annual Fees charged from students of B.Ed. Program and Annual Fees Fixed by the Stage Govt,. For different Programmes
Sl No Programme Total Annual Fees Charged By the Instituion Fees fixed by the Central/Stage /union Territory Government
1 B.Ed. Rs. 32,000.00 (Per Semester) NA
Sl. No Head /Source of Income Income in INR (Write NA for Not Accplicable)
1 Income from fees "39 20 000.00"
2 Grnat received from State Govt. if any NIL
3 Income ffrom other sources: donation etc "4 50 000.00"
Total Income "43 70 000.00"
Sl. No Head of Expenditure Expenditure in INR (Write NA for Not Applicable)
A Capita Expenditure
1 Expenditure incurred on augmentation of infrastructure "7 88 226.00"
2 Expenditure incurred on augmentation onf instructional resources "1 35 000.00"
B Recurring Expenditure
3 Staff Salary "30 46 177.00"
4 Interest Payment on Loan NA
5 Loan Repayment NA
6 Miscellaneous Expenditure "2 79 823.00"
C Transfer to Capital Account
7 Tranfer to Governing Body NA
Total Expenditure "42 49 226.00"



Office of the Principal

Lakhimpur Post Graduate Training College

Ward No_6, North Lakhimpur, Lakhimpur,

Pin_787001, Assam, India


Telephone No with Code: 03752-223026

Fax No : 03752-221438

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